Since October 7th, Crowds on Demand has fielded more than 100 lucrative requests with an anti-Israel focus.

A California-based company specializing in providing on-demand crowds for various purposes has received over 100 requests to participate in anti-Israel demonstrations across the U.S. However, the CEO and founder of Crowds on Demand, Adam Swart, has made it clear that the company intends to steer clear of such involvement.

"When we decide to support a cause, we aim to foster constructive engagement, change minds, and truly make a difference," explained Swart to Fox News Digital on Thursday. "Currently, the Israel-Palestine demonstrations appear to be characterized by a lot of noise. It's a clash of opposing sides without much effort to sway those who are undecided or uninformed about the issue... Essentially, it's each side rallying their own supporters."

Swart established Crowds on Demand in 2012 during his college years.


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